Datto Autotask Connection Guide

A step-by-step guide to getting your Datto Autotask account connected with Gradient MSP.


Datto Autotask PSA Connection Checklist

If you haven't already registered, you can open a Gradient MSP account here 

You've registered, and you're on your way to officially becoming part of the flock!

Take the following steps to get Datto Autotask connected with your Synthesize modules:

Create a Security Level

  1. Upon initial registration of your new Gradient MSP account, you will select Autotask and click Next. You will then be presented with a connection checklist. Please gather these items before progressing to the next page. Let's head over to Autotask.
  2. Log in to Autotask.
  3. Navigate to Admin > Account Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Security Levels.

  4. Create a new Security Level with the following permissions:

    • Full Permission to Contracts.

To create a new security level, right-click on the level that most closely matches the one you want to create, then click the Copy Security Level option.

NOTE: Ensure the License Type of the security level copied is listed as API User, as this cannot be changed.

security level cw psa
    • All permission to Customer & Cancellation under CRM. This allows all view Object Permissions to Accounts.

crm settings cw psa

  • All view Object Permissions to Products under Inventory.

products permissions

  • Under Other > Miscellaneous enable, Can view internal cost data (excludes New/Edit Resource page).

  • Click Save & Close.

Note: Existing Billing Module users, the below permissions need to be added to enable alerts. Please edit your existing security role to include the following permissions. 

  • Add to the Service Desk Tickets View, Add and Edit Permissions (For Alerts Module)
     service desk settings
  • Under Service Desk -> Other Permissions, select Can edit Status of complete tickets, Can administer tags and tag groups, and Can remove tags from tickets
    ticket catagories
  • Click Save & Close.

Autotask Service Queues must have a resource assigned within Autotask for it to appear within the board selection dropdown.

Create API User

  1. Navigate to Admin > Account Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users.

  2. Hover over the New dropdown, and click New API User.
    new api users cw
  3. Enter all required contact fields.

  4. Select Security Level created from the previous steps.
  5. Generate Username (Key) and Password (Secret) and have these ready for the next steps.
  6. Select Gradient MSP - Business Efficiency from the Integration Vendor dropdown.
  7. Associate all Line of Business.

cw line of business

Complete connection with Synthesize billing and/or Alerts module(s)

  1. Flock back over to Synthesize.
  2. Continue with the Setup Wizard until you hit Step 4: Authenticate your API user.
  3. Populate the Username (Key) and Password (Secret) from the previous steps.
  4. Click Save and Test

Congratulations, you've successfully connected your PSA!

Sit back, have a coffee, and let our hamsters (or flamingos in this case) get to work synchronizing your data. You can close the Setup Wizard now if you like, and we will email you when the synchronization is complete.

Note: If any service cards show clientName, please confirm that all Accounts with active Contracts have the Account Type listed as Customer.


Alerts PSA Board Identification

When connecting an Alerts integration, you will be prompted for a PSA Board ID. To find the Board ID from Autotask, please follow the below steps.

  1. Within Autotask navigate to Admin -> Service Desk (Tickets) -> Queues
  2. Click the Pencil icon for the queue you want alerts to go to
  3. In the URL of the Edit Queue window, there will be an eight-digit number. This represents the Board ID which you will select from the dropdown within Gradient

Sample URL - https://ww2.autotask.net/autotask/popups/administration/QueueDetails.aspx?objectId=12345678&type=queue