Phin Security

A step-by-step guide to getting started with the Phin Security Billing Integration

Products Integrated: Security Awareness Training | Phishing Simulation

View the Phin Security Information page 

Note that Phin pushes the data to Synthesize on the 1st of each month. 

For support with this integration, connect with Phin Security here:

Connecting the Phin Security Integration

  1. Connect the Integration
  2. Map Accounts and Services
  3. Wait for the 1st of the month

Step 1: Connect the Integration

  1. Select the Phin Security card, and click Connect.
  2. Generate the Gradient API Token. Note that each integration is assigned a unique Token. Save this token in a secure location. It will only be available once.
  3. Click Open Vendor Portal.
  4. This will open a new tab to the Phin Security Site. 
  5. Login to Phin Security
  6. In the top left corner, click on Integrations, and select GradientMSP
  7. Insert your Gradient Token and press connect. 
  8. Navigate back to Gradient MSP, Refresh your page, and proceed to map your accounts.


Step 2: Map Accounts and Services

  1. On the Account and service Mapping pages, you will see a list of accounts from Phin on the right and a search bar on the left. Search for the matching client in Synthesize and drag and drop to match. When complete, press next. 

Wait for the 1st of the month 

Expect to see the first updates in Gradient MSP starting the first of the month after the integration has been enabled. Subsequent updates will be pushed to Gradient MSP on the first of every month with the previous month’s data.



On or after the 1st of the month, log in to your Syntheszie account and see your previous month's totals ready for reconciliation. 

Updating the mapping: Once the integration is enabled on both the Phin and Gradient MSP side, Phin will start syncing data to Gradient. Every new company added in Phin will be sent to Gradient MSP. You will still need to map the new companies in the Gradient MSP portal. An error may occur when creating new company accounts. If this happens, click the "Sync Company Accounts" button to ensure all Companies in Phin are available to map in Gradient MSP.

See The Phin knowledge article here: Phin and Gradient MSP