Unlocking Strategic Insights: A Guide to Leveraging StackTracker™ for MSPs

Optimize Operations, Maximize Profitability, and Drive Growth with Data-Driven Decision-Making.

Discover how StackTracker™ revolutionizes vendor management for MSPs. This guide explores a few key use-cases, from analyzing volume and profitability to uncovering sales opportunities and ensuring compliance. Learn how StackTracker™ empowers MSPs to optimize operations, maximize profitability, and drive strategic growth through data-driven decision-making.

1. Volume Analysis per Category/Subcategory

StackTracker™ allows users to analyze the volume of products/services within different categories and subcategories. This feature provides insights into which areas are driving the most business and helps in strategic decision-making regarding resource allocation and product focus.


For example, let's consider a scenario where an MSP utilizes StackTracker™ Volume Analysis per Category/Subcategory feature to gain insights into service usage trends. By analyzing the data, they discover a surge in demand for cloud hosting and cybersecurity services. Armed with this knowledge, the MSP reallocates resources to meet the growing demand, enhancing their service offerings and driving business growth.

2. Compliance for Unit Count Uniformity

Monitoring Unit Counts

StackTracker™ assists in ensuring compliance by continuously monitoring unit counts across your clients and vendor skus. This feature helps MSPs identify discrepancies in unit counts and address them to maintain uniformity and adherence.

Uncovering Under-Deployed Licenses/Opportunities

StackTracker™ helps users uncover under-deployed licenses and identify opportunities for new product sales. By analyzing usage data, users can pinpoint clients with underutilized licenses and proactively engage them for upselling or cross-selling additional products or services.


For example, let's consider a scenario where an MSP sells a workstation, user bundle or lump sum managed service offering. In such cases, it's essential to ensure that all underlying components, such as services, products, and licenses, are aligned correctly. StackTracker™ helps MSPs identify over or under-provisioning of products or services. By ensuring compliance, MSPs can optimize their margins effectively. Identifying and rectifying instances of over-provisioning helps avoid unnecessary costs, while addressing under-provisioning ensures that clients receive the agreed-upon level of service, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.

3. Ranking Total Profit per Product

With StackTracker™, users can rank products based on their total profit contribution. This analysis helps in identifying high-profit products and optimizing sales strategies accordingly. Users can prioritize efforts towards promoting or upselling these products to maximize profitability.

4. Ranking Spend per Vendor

Users can leverage StackTracker™ to rank vendors based on the total spend. This analysis provides insights into vendor relationships and enables users to negotiate better deals or optimize vendor selection based on spending patterns.

5. Identifying Missing Clients for Specific Products

One of StackTracker™'s key functionalities is identifying missing clients for specific products or services. By comparing deployed licenses against customer lists, users can identify potential sales opportunities and gaps in product offerings. This feature enables proactive targeting of clients who could benefit from additional offerings or solutions.

6. Strategic Growth Insights

StackTracker™ provides strategic growth insights by highlighting opportunities for expanding product offerings and maximizing profitability. Users can leverage these insights to prioritize sales efforts, optimize resource allocation, and drive business growth effectively.

7. CSV Download for Customizability

StackTracker™ allows users to download results to a CSV format for further customization options. This feature enables users to drill down into data and create compelling reports and dashboards tailored to their specific needs.