A breakdown of the features released, bugs fixed and other details for March 2023.
Click on the links below to jump to specific dates within the article:
March 29th:
Features Released:
Custom Integrations - We have been listening and have released our first version of custom integrations. Want to learn more? Jump in and build one or Join the next Nerdy Birdy on April 18th, 2023. Bryan Chapman welcomes Morgan Greff, Director of Engineering at Gradient MSP, to showcase how Custom Integrations can unlock significant value in the way you use the Synthesize platform. Register Here
Bugs Squshed:
Alerts pro users were prevented from building a custom integration. This was corrected.
Bulk approval on card view for Connectwise PSA users would not write back changed values. This did not affect other PSAs or the list view.
When creating a new account after this release new users saw an oh for flock sake error on every page. This was corrected via a hotfix.
March 28th
Integrations Released:
CyberHoot - View the CyberHoot Vendor information page
CyberHoot is a Software-as-a-Service product offering that helps companies build robust, compliance-driven cybersecurity programs that stand up to hacker attacks and compliance requirements. Join the webinar on April 13th, 2023 at 1 pm ET.
Connect the integration today! Getting started with the CyberHoot Integration
March 23rd:
Bugs Squashed:
Liongard users were unable to unmap an account that was auto-mapped. It would simply reappear.
- Liongard's Last updated date on the integration was not updated even when successful.
- The continue button wasn't available when connecting to the Alerts portion on a dual-module vendor.
- Account Auto mapping was not working for integrations
- CSV profiles were not accepted if they have a period in the header row
- Some ConnectWise Manage users experienced errors when trying to adjust some cards. This has been investigated and resolved.
- Autotask, some services were syncing in as service bundles incorrectly; this has been adjusted.
Pushed a hotfix to change the file upload size capabilities.
March 15th:
Bugs Squashed:
CSV confirming the header row was not saving the selection correctly, as it did not account for blank rows.
- On the condensed billing view, when dismissing a card, it stated "contract updated" instead of "No changes in quantity." This was strictly a visual error, not a function.
March 8th:
Bugs Squashed:
Cancelling the CSV profile at the account mapping/service mapping step would still show the profile as available when it was, in fact, cancelled.
CSV Import 500 & 504 timeout errors have been corrected for larger profiles.
Connected CSV profiles did not display the green status icon on the billing page.
List View - Bulk approved and dismissed cards would stay displayed on the screen, disappearing only on a refresh.
List View - Bulk approval is not working
Card View - When approving a reconcile card, the bulk approve /dismiss count does not change to 0 after the action is completed.
March 1st:
Integrations Released:
YouAttest - View the YouAttest Vendor information page
YouAttest is an Identity Governance Access review platform focusing on security and compliance. Join the webinar on March 16th at 11:00 am ET.
- Connect the integration today! Getting started with the YouAttest Integration
- Mailprotector - View the Mailprotector Vendor information page
- Mailprotector adds to their billing integration with the launch of Alerts! Connect or upgrade the integration today! Getting started with the Mail Protector Integration
- Mailprotector adds to their billing integration with the launch of Alerts! Connect or upgrade the integration today! Getting started with the Mail Protector Integration
- Mailprotector - View the Mailprotector Vendor information page
Features Released:
Billing List View - Beta Release
- Billing List View is a beta feature that condenses your service cards so you can compare your vendor usage and PSA contracts from one clean screen. You can also use our new grouping options to customize the look.
- Toggle it on to try it today:

Bugs Squashed:
Corrected an issue where CSV import profiles did not display as active after completing the setup.
- Having a CSV profile prevented basic users from starting their first billing integration. This has been corrected.
All releases may include minor UX improvements, Link corrections etc.